15 August, 2024

THE GRAND POLL - Now it is your turn!


HeyHey Lovelies,

This year Nofu and me are going to do a BEST OF from all the acts at DINKIE CABARET SHOW from the past years – and you can decide what we are going to put up on stage.  What you say?

Here is the link to the GRAND POLL :))

I have listed all the past acts with pics so you have a little recap. Google did not let me limit the votes to 10 so please, please, please could you help us and count yourself?

We have had 26 different acts on stage so far and I would like you to choose 10 - maybe Nofu and I will add our fav act to them if it still needs to be added to the votes.


After that we will close the form and count the votes and prepare for the show :)))

♥ Lycia

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