16 September, 2023

Ready for Oktoberfest?


Now available at Petite Village

Brand new *DB* DINKIE FANNY DIRNDL in bordeaux, forest, blue, black and blush


several Gingerbread Hearts and Pretzel on Ribon


Nofu has animated a Dinkie Oktoberfest Maß Beer 

and also put out a cool Jodel Gesture for you guys  :))

OKTOBERFEST Boothes and Scene

♥ Lycia

10 September, 2023

Nofu and Lycia are off for vacation :)


Enjoy late Summer!

And do not forget to check out Autumn Market at the Village :)

♥ Lycia

05 September, 2023

Enjoying the last warm Summer afternoons :)

 Today finally, Summer is back with a golden light and some warm sunbeams :)

And this is what my wardrobe made of it :)))

I grabbed my new Selma BOM Highwaist Shorts (from Autumn Market)

my cute Lulu BOM Blouse (BOMBOX)

and my new favorite Lex Western Boots (from Autumn Market too)

some individual accessories and there you go with a really cute Summer outfit

♥ Lycia

Hey Boo! Let's get spooky :)

Coraline gives you the creeps Here comes Rook! Who can stand this charming smile?   Hello Hello, If any of you are looking for a cool Hallow...