17 April, 2023

Fantasy Faire 23 is on the way!!! And yes, those rumors are true...

Hello, hello,

Yes, I have been quiet again for a bit ... but not lazy at all :)

We have been into Fantasy Faire preps and some other projects that will come up later this year ... :))

But right now, we are thrilled to unveil what we are having for this year's Fantasy Faire... TADAAA



There are 6 new Steampunk Costumes to check out:

Tipi - the cutest ever Steampunk Doll
The Hoversuit - one for any occasion
Tess Graves - the fearless Steampunk Piratesse
Sir Archibald Crane - he calls the shots!
Lady Octavia Prescott - she never loses her poise! never!
Nox - The Adventurer (and Ladykiller! but let's not talk about this in public)

a cool Steambike, the Hoverboard, a cool Hoverscooter to cruise around the sims, 4 Hot Aire Balloon Attachments for you to hover around, oh so pretty, animated, mechanical birds with sound and everything :)) and last but not least the new Steam Guitar!


Dinkies Cinematographe and RFL exclusives and such

What you say?

LM is on the way. Watch out here and inworld

♥ Lycia

To all Dinkie JO BIG Fans - free JO BIG Fan Shirts out at the Village! NOW :)

  Hello, hello did you notice JO BIG is one of the challengers at the VIRAL VOICE SEASON 6 which has just started?? He is one of the fantast...