25 March, 2025

New tram hair out and it looks perfect on Dinkie girls :)


Look how pretty the new tram hair P0325 looks on Dinkies :)

I got the hair, but unfortunately, there is no information yet about whether it will go to any event first or is already available at the *tram* main store.

♥ Lycia


13 February, 2025

To all Dinkie JO BIG Fans - free JO BIG Fan Shirts out at the Village! NOW :)


Hello, hello

did you notice JO BIG is one of the challengers at the VIRAL VOICE SEASON 6 which has just started??

He is one of the fantastic live Singers you saw and loved at last year's DINK POP FESTIVAL at the Village.

If you feel like showing your support to Jo Big do not hesitate to grab your free Fan Shirt at the Village :)

This cool BOM shirt is good to combine with any casual outfit for all fanboys and fangirls, but you can do even more with it! 

We are having a GO JO! PHOTO CONTEST to cheer Jo. Just create your personal Fan-outfit around your new fanshirt and take a pic. 

Name your pic "GO JO! - *your SL Name*, come to the Village and put your pic into the red postbox at the GO JO! Booth. By the end of each month, we award two pics from the postbox!

Prize1: 1000 LS Gift card from the Village

Prize 2: My GO JO! Fan outfit which is shown in the pic above and is not for sale but exclusive to win.

The Photo Contest lasts as long as VIRAL VOICE Season 6 is running.


  1. By putting your GO JO Fan outfit pic into our postbox - must be copy/trans to be accepted - you allow me to use your pic as is or in detail to repost and/or make a Fan Collage from it later.
  2. If the pic doesn't show your name properly you cannot win a prize.
  3. The winners will be announced on this Blog and on Insta/FB (if I get to do that)!
  4. You can put up to 3 pics into the postbox to enter the Photo Contest.

If you missed the first Episode of The Viral Voice 6, here is your chance to see Jo performing

THE VIRAL VOICE 6:  JO BIG - Episode 1

Please follow the Viral Voice Group and do not miss the Votings!! Jo has a fantastic voice and is an outstanding artist but he needs your support to make it to the top!! Vote for Jo at the Viral Voice 6!

♥ Lycia

PS: Due to an overload of RL work and obligations DINK POP 25 will come to you in May this year :))

Please watch out for further details.

03 February, 2025

Your GMC Dinkie Male Outfitter is back with NEWNESSES :)




Let's celebrate the GMC Reopening with 

 A 48 hours SALE
25% OFF

only inworld 
only for the GENTLEMAN CLUB
your Dinkie Male Outfitter

Starting NOW 03:00 AM SLT - ends in 48 hours automatically!

♥ Lycia

New tram hair out and it looks perfect on Dinkie girls :)

*DB* DINKIES ANDARA OUTFIT Look how pretty the new tram hair P0325 looks on Dinkies :) I got the hair, but unfortunately, there is no inform...